Monday, July 14, 2008

Whats up with "First Person Shooters"

I'm finding myself more and more jaded now when it comes to FPS games, a feeling like I'm loosing that excitement that they used to provide.. Maybe its because I'm older now, maybe its because I've had a great deal of experience and gained much knowledge of gaming over the years, it just feels like FPS's are becoming less inspiring than they used to be. In my earlier gaming years I can remember reading about Half-Life and feeling excited and eager to read and hear more about it, these days when I hear about a new game or sequel I find myself hardly surprised or excited at all. Maybe its because games are starting to look and play very similar to each other, the "Doom Effect" as I'd put it, sure they have evolved allot since the days of Doom.. at least graphically wise, but what else has changed? Most FPS games still offer a linear gaming experience where you run through a level, point you weapon at the monsters/bad guys and shoot.
When the game Codename Eagle for PC came along it heralded a relatively new experience for FPS games most notably Online multiplayer first person shooters, now you had more freedom to fight in a more expansive environment, with vehicles to pilot and fight with, nothing like this had been experienced before in an FPS, it was like bringing to life those years you spent as a kid playing army men in your sandpit, now you could experience that in a game you played against real opponents.
Fast forward to the present and we have games like Battlefield 2 and Battlefield Bad Company, both of which built on from the ground roots of the sandbox style game play that Codename Eagle provided. BF2 provided larger maps, more detailed player/vehicle/map's new player classes, game play improvements such as iron sighting, also Bad Company brought something new to the game in the form of destructible environments, so now players could no longer camp out in a building if they had been spotted by an enemy tank or helicopter gunship thanks to the Frostbite engine you could now put missiles through the walls of that building exposing the target and being able to engage it. But here are some area's I feel the games still fall short on.
1: Entering & Exiting Vehicles (stationary or otherwise)
Now in a game such as battlefield, you spawn and you see a vehicle (say a jeep) you'd like to get in and drive somewhere, so you walk up along side the vehicle and an icon pop's up saying that you can enter that vehicle simply by pressing (whatever key), you do so and in an instant you are in the drivers seat or passenger/gunner seat wherever, now the thing about that that frustrates me is, in real life you don't simply magically appear in a certain place in a vehicle by pressing a key, no, you have to physically open the door and maneuver inside the vehicle, now why can't they do that in the games?
A jeep for example, you walk along side it say the drivers side, and you still push that same key to enter the vehicle except now you don't magically appear in the drivers seat with the belt on, engine on ready to go, after you hit that key you now see the arm of your player model extend out reach for the door handle, open the door then you maneuver inside buckle up and start the engine, and the reverse for exiting the vehicle, all of which would only take a few seconds.
Like wise when entering a vehicle such as a tank you would hit the key to enter and the you would see the player model grasp a handle on the tank and pull yourself on top of the tank, open the hatch and maneuver into the crew/driver area. Also at any time you could cancel the action under certain circumstances say if you were taking fire you could simply press any direction or action button. Another area would be dismounting/exiting moving vehicles, the player should be able to have the choice of when to exit a moving vehicle, but if that vehicle is traveling at say 30 or above km that person isn't going to land on their feet and walk/run away without a scratch are they, no they are going to collapse to the ground and roll, either hurting themselves (depending on the speed) or potentially dieing.
Another would be exiting airborne vehicles such as a helicopter, you cannot jump or exit a helicopter when it is flying, it just doesn't happen, you have to wait until your on the ground before you can open the cockpit hatch and exit safely, so many times in games I see players in helicopters taking a hammering only to jump out at the last moment and avoid being killed, now in my opinion that makes the game play experience for everyone unbalanced and hence not fun. Also for jets here the player should have an option of "ejecting" instead of pressing that magical button that makes you appear outside the vehicle, the player should have the option of pressing an eject button and take a health penalty for doing so because those things are no smooth ride.
Which also brings me to the point of how vehicle damage is controlled, using BF2 as an example, the way this game handles damage is simply by having a gauge which tells the player and the game how much damage that vehicle has taken, once that gauge is at zero that vehicle simply blows up. This is what I'd like to see, say you are in a jet and you're flying around and suddenly your being shot at from the ground by antiaircraft guns, your jet takes some damage which has compromised the handling of the aircraft, so maybe now you can't turn anymore or not as accurately or maybe you are just out of control, maybe you can't eject either, so instead of simply having a gauge, damage is taken depending where on that vehicle is hit which is then transferred into the handling characteristics of that vehicle.
More depth of control I guess is what I'm getting at more depth and realism, but not to detract from the enjoyment and experience of playing. Another example would be climbing/mantling you might see a wall that looks to high to jump onto but low enough to jump and grab onto the edge then allowing you to pull yourself up, or maybe even a tall fence or wall you want to get over, simply hit that climb button and its possible. Now I know all these little things sound like small and insignificant nitpicking's but I honestly believe if they were implemented correctly into the game it would add a whole new level of play and immersion to the game.
/end rant